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About Us
RepairMyLight was founded due to the growing number of customers using electricians who were badly repairing or did not have the experience to repair light fittings on behalf of their customers and instead blame the light fitting or components due to their lack of knowledge. There is also a large proportion of customers DIY self fitting that do not have the electrical knowledge to fix their own light fitting which in turn unintentionally damages the replacement components.
This is where we come in!
The RepairMyLight service is surprisingly cheap when compared to an electrician’s callout charge which can be anything from £35.00 upwards!!
RepairMyLight have access to all the big lighting manufacturer’s replacement components. This includes halogen transformers, LED drivers, touch dimmers and sensors and even ballasts.
Why throw your expensive light fitting away when RepairMyLight can repair it and guarantee the repair and replacement components used?
Our service allows you to keep your light fitting for many more years to come.